Terms and conditions of participation in the Conference
Working language of the conference: Russian and English.

Forms of participation in the conference:

1) with an oral report (without its publication);
2) with an oral report and its inclusion in the conference digest;
3) without an oral report, but with its publication;
4) without a report.

Original scientific о practical works corresponding to the named areas and NOT published anywhere before shall be accepted for presentation to the Conference.

As a result of the Conference, it is planned to publish a digital digest of reports (hereinafter the Digest). The digest is publicly available in the electronic library on the sites of ASD, IAPE, Distanse Learning System (DLS), the scientific electronic library of https://www.elibrary.ru/, indexed in the scientific citation database of the RSCI.

The reports are included in the digest on the basis of a decision of the expert group of the Organizational Committee.

The publication of the report requires compliance with the requirements for its preparation.
Title of publication, last name, first name, patronymic of authors/co-authors, position, name of organization, city, country and person who will submit a report (based on publication) to the Conference (in case of online presentation).

The annotation revealing the content of the report is 200-700 characters (including spaces).

Reports are accepted only electronically. File formats are * .doc, * .docx, * .txt. Scope - not less than 2 and not more than 10 pages; page format - A 4; font - Times New Roman; font size - 12; line spacing - one and a half; indentation of 1 paragraph line - 1.25; page fields: left, right, upper and lower - 2.5 cm. Word transfer is not allowed.

If the report contains drawings (schemes, charts, photos, the scanned types of screens, etc.), each drawing has to be presented both in the text, and in the separate file in the JPEG format.

Please send the proposed report to the e-mail address aurno53@gmail.com until December 3, 2020

Reports that do not meet the above requirements are not considered.

Sending the report in electronic form is the author's consent to its publication.

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